QueenʼsMen Editions


Chambers, E.K. The Elizabethan Stage. 4 Vol. Oxford: Clarendon, 1923.
Eccles, Mark. Shakespeare in Warwickshire. Madison: University of Wisconsin, 1961. 82-83.
----- "Elizabethan Actors I: A-D." N&Q 236 (1991): 38-49.
----- "Elizabethan Actors II: E-J" N&Q 236 (1991): 454-61.
----- "Elizabethan Actors III: K-R." N&Q 237 (1992): 293-303.
----- "Elizabethan Actors IV: S to End." N&Q 238 (1993): 165-76.
Ellis, E. The History and Antiquities of the Parish of St Leonard, Shoreditch, and Liberty of Norton Folgate. London: 1798.
Galloway, David ed. Norwich: 1540-1642. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1984.
Gurr, Andrew. Playgoing in Shakespeare's London. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1996.
Heywood, Thomas. Apology for Actors. London: 1612.
Honigmann, E.A.J. and Susan Brock. Playhouse Wills, 1558-1642. Manchester: Manchester UP, 1993.
MacLean, Sally-Beth and Scott McMillin. The Queen's Men and Their Plays. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1998.
McMillin, Scott. "Simon Jewell and the Queen's Men." Review of English Studies 27 (1976): 174-177.
Nungezar, Edwin. A Dictionary of Actors. New Haven: Yale UP, 1929.
Stow, John and Edmund Howes, Annales, or, A Generall Chronicle of England … unto the End of this Present Yeere, 1631. London: 1631.
Thomson, Peter. "Tarlton, Richard." Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004.