QueenʼsMen Editions


Queen's Men Editions is the result of a continuing effort by teams of scholars, programmers, administrators, and student research assistants.

Our personnel

Our editorial and advisory boards are composed of distinguished scholars, theater professionals, and technical advisors, all of whom contribute their expertise as volunteers.

Each play in the Queen's Men repertory is being edited by one or more scholars, working in universities around the world.

We are deeply grateful to the expertise of the members of the board of the non-profit corporation that directs Internet Shakespeare Editions, all of whom donate their time freely and benefit the work of Queen's Men Editions as well. This ISE board provides advice on editorial, business, legal, financial, and creative direction.

Our student programmers and assistants form a dedicated team of hard workers, bringing fresh ideas and hard work to their designated tasks.

Graphic design, navigability, and cross-browser compatibility are overseen by Roberta Livingstone, Creative Director for the ISE. Graphics are provided by QME consultant, Peter Sirisko.

Our supporters

Chief among our supporters is the University of Victoria which supports us through several of its departments:

We are also supported by McMaster University where we have had support in several areas:

We are grateful to the University of Toronto for supporting ongoing theatrical and editorial work

Founding donors in the community who supported our earliest efforts:

The University of Waterloo has provided funds for travel to our sessions promoting QME at the annual meeting of the Shakespeare Association of America (2009) and the Renaissance Society of America (2010).

Finally, without which we could not have begun, the Research/Creation Award from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada for funding the Shakespeare and the Queen's Men project (2005-2008).

For Film, DVD, and Web collaboration, we are grateful to:

Our research team is ever-expanding, but we owe a debt of gratitude to:

Students who contributed to the research and production effort include:

Camera operators:
