QueenʼsMen Editions

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  • Title: The Troublesome Reign of King John ((Quarto, 1581))
  • Editor: Karen Oberer

  • Copyright Queen's Men Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: Anonymous
    Editor: Karen Oberer
    Not Peer Reviewed

    The Troublesome Reign of King John ((Quarto, 1581))

    Enter the Kings Herolds with Trumpets to the wals of
    685 Angiers: they summon the Towne.
    Eng. Herold Iohn by the grace of God King of England,
    Lord of Ireland, Aniou, Toraine, &c. demaundeth once againe
    of you his subiects of Angiers, if you will quietly surrender
    vp the Towne into his hands?
    690Fr. Herold Philip by the grace of God King of Fraunce, demaundeth
    in the behalfe of Arthur Duke of Britaine, if you
    will surrender vp the Towne into his hands, to the vse of the
    said Arthur.
    Citizens Herrolds goe tell the two victorious Princes,
    695that we the poore Inhabitants of Angiers, require a parle of
    their Maiesties.
    Herolds We goe.
    Enter the Kings, Queene Elianor, Blaunch, Bastard, Ly-
    moges, Lewes, Castilean, Pembrooke, Salisbury, Constance,
    700 and Arthur Duke of Britaine.
    John Herold, what answere doo the Townsmen send?
    of King Iohn.
    Philip Will Angiers yéeld to Philip King of Fraunce,
    En. Her. The Townsmen on the wals accept your Grace.
    Fr. Her. And craue a parley of your Maiestie.
    705Iohn You Citizens of Angiers, haue your eyes
    Beheld the slaughter that our English bowes
    Haue made vpon the coward frawdfull French?
    And haue you wisely pondred therewithall
    Your gaine in yeelding to the English King?
    710Philip Their losse in yéelding to the English King.
    But Iohn, they saw from out their highest Towers
    The Cheualiers of Fraunce and crossebow shot
    Make lanes of slaughtred bodies through thine hoast,
    And are resolude to yéelde to Arthurs right.
    715Iohn Why Philip, though thou brauest it fore the walls,
    Thy conscience knowes that Iohn hath wonne the field.
    Philip What ere my conscience knows, thy Armie feeles
    That Philip had the better of the day.
    Bastard Philip indéede hath got the Lyons case,
    720Which here he holds to Lymoges disgrace.
    Base Duke to flye and leaue such spoyles behinde:
    But this thou knewst of force to make mée stay.
    It farde with thée as with the marriner,
    Spying the hugie Whale, whose monstrous bulke
    725Doth beare the waues like mountaines fore the winde,
    That throwes out emptie vessells, so to stay
    His furie, while the ship doth saile away.
    Philip tis thine: and fore this Princely presence,
    Madame I humbly lay it at your feete,
    730Being the first aduenture I atchieud,
    And first exployt your Grace did enioyne:
    Yet many more I long to be enioynd.
    Blaunch Philip I take it, and I thee commaund
    To weare the same as earst thy Father did:
    735Therewith receiue this fauour at my hands,
    T'incourage thee to follow Richards fame.
    Arthur Ye Citizens of Angiers, are ye mute?
    D Arthur
    The troublesome Raigne
    Arthur or Iohn, say which shall be your King?
    Citizen We care not which, if once we knew the right,
    740But till we know we will not yeeld our right.
    Bastard Might Philip counsell two so mightie Kings,
    As are the Kings of England and of Fraunce,
    He would aduise your Graces to vnite
    And knit your forces gainst these Citizens,
    745Pulling their battered walls about their eares.
    The Towne once wonne then striue about the claime,
    For they are minded to delude you both.
    Citizen Kings, Princes, Lords & Knights assembled here,
    The Citizens of Angiers all by me
    750Entreate your Maiestie to heare them speake:
    And as you like the motion they shall make,
    So to account and follow their aduice.
    Iohn. Philip. Speake on, we giue thee leaue.
    Citizen Then thus: whereas that yong & lustie knight
    755Incites you on to knit your kingly strengths:
    The motion cannot choose but please the good,
    And such as loue the quiet of the State.
    But how my Lords, how should your strengths be knit?
    Not to oppresse your subiects and your friends,
    760And fill the world with brawles and mutinies:
    But vnto peace your forces should be knit
    To liue in Princely league and amitie:
    Doo this, the gates of Angiers shall giue way
    And stand wide open to your harts content.
    765To make this peace a lasting bond of loue,
    Remains one onely honorable meanes,
    Which by your pardon I shall here display.
    Lewes the Dolphin and the heire of Fraunce,
    A man of noted valor through the world,
    770Is yet vnmaried: let him take to wife
    The beauteous daughter of the King of Spaine,
    Neece to K. Iohn, the louely Ladie Blanche,
    Begotten on his Sister Elianor.
    of King Iohn.
    With her in marriage will her vnckle giue
    775Castles aud Towers as fitteth such a match.
    The Kings thus ioynd in league of perfect loue,
    They may so deale with Arthur Duke of Britaine,
    Who is but yong, and yet vnmeete to raigne,
    As he shall stand contented euerie way.
    780Thus haue I boldly (for the common good)
    Deliuered what the Citie gaue in charge.
    And as vpon conditions you agree,
    So shall we stand content to yeeld the Towne.
    Arthur A proper peace, if such a motion hold;
    785These Kings beare armes for me, and for my right,
    And they shall share my lands to make them friends.
    Q. Elianor Sonne Iohn, follow this motion, as thou louest
    thy mother,
    Make league with Philip, yeeld to any thing:
    790Lewes shall haue my Neece, and then be sure
    Arthur shall haue small succour out of Fraunce.
    John Brother of Fraunce, you heare the Citizens:
    Then tell me, how you meane to deale herein.
    Constance Why John, what canst thou giue vnto thy Neece,
    795That hast no foote of land, but Arthurs right?
    Lewes Byr Ladie Citizens, I like your choyce,
    A louely Damsell is the Ladie Blanche,
    Worthie the heire of Europe for her pheere.
    Constance What Kings, why stand you gazing in a trance?
    800Why how now Lords? accursed Citizens
    To fill and tickle their ambicious eares,
    With hope of gaine, that springs from Arthurs losse.
    Some dismall Plannet at thy birthday raignd,
    For now I see the fall of all thy hopes.
    805K. Philip Ladie, and Duke of Britaine, know you both,
    The King of Fraunce respects his honor more,
    Than to betray his friends and fauourers.
    Princesse of Spaine, could you affect my Sonne,
    If we vpon conditions could agree?
    D 2 Bastard
    The troublesome Raigne
    810Bastard Swounds Madam, take an English Gentleman:
    Slaue as I was, I thought to haue mooude the match.
    Grandame you made me halfe a promise once,
    That Lady Blanch should bring me wealth inough,
    And make me heire of store of English land.
    815Q. Elianor Peace Philip, I will looke thee out a wife,
    We must with pollicie compound this strife.
    Bastard If Lewes get her, well, I say no more:
    But let the frolicke Frenchman take no scorne,
    If Philip front him with an English horne.
    820Iohn Ladie, what answere make you to the King of France?
    Can you affect the Dolphin for your Lord?
    Blanch I thanke the King that likes of me so well,
    To make me Bride vnto so great a Prince:
    But giue me leaue my Lord to pause on this,
    825Least being too too forward in the cause,
    It may be blemish to my modestie.
    Q Elinor Sonne John, and worthie Philip K. of Fraunce,
    Doo you confer awhile about the Dower,
    And I will schoole my modest Neece so well,
    830That she shall yéeld assoone as you haue done.
    Constance I, theres the wretch that broacheth all this ill,
    Why flye I not vpon the Beldames face,
    And with my nayles pull foorth her hatefull eyes.
    Arthur Swéete Mother cease these hastie madding fits:
    835For my sake, let my Grandame haue her will.
    O would she with her hands pull forth my heart,
    I could affoord it to appease these broyles.
    But mother let vs wisely winke at all:
    Least farther harmes ensue our hastie speach.
    840Philip Brother of England, what dowrie wilt thou giue
    Unto my Sonne in marriage with thy Neece?
    Iohn First Philip knowes her dowrie out of Spaine
    To be so great as may content a King:
    But more to mend and amplifie the same,
    845I giue in money thirtie thousand markes.
    of King Iohn.
    For land I leaue it to thine owne demaund.
    Philip Then I demaund Volquesson, Torain, Main,
    Poiters and Aniou, these fiue Prouinces,
    Which thou as King of England holdst in Fraunce:
    850Then shall our peace be soone concluded on.
    Bastard No lesse than fiue such Prouinces at once?
    Iohn Mother what shall I doo? my brother got these lands
    With much effusion of our English bloud:
    And shall I giue it all away at once?
    855Q. Elinor Iohn giue it him, so shalt thou liue in peace,
    And keepe the residue sanz ieopardie.
    Ion Philip bring forth thy Sonne, here is my Neece,
    And here in mariage I doo giue with her
    From me and my Successors English Kings,
    860Volquesson, Poiters, Aniou, Torain, Main,
    And thirtie thousand markes of stipend coyne.
    Now Citizens, how like you of this match?
    Citizen We ioy to see so sweete a peace begun.
    Lewes Lewes with Blanch shall euer liue content.
    865But now King Iohn, what say you to the Duke?
    Father, speake as you may in his behalfe.
    Philip K.Iohn, be good vnto thy Nephew here,
    And giue him somewhat that shall please thee best.
    John Arthur, although thou troublest Englands peace:
    870Yet here I giue thee Brittaine for thine owne,
    Together with the Earledome of Richmont,
    And this rich Citie of Angiers withall.
    Q. Elianor And if thou seeke to please thine Unckle John,
    Shalt see my Sonne how I will make of thee.
    875Iohn Now euery thing is sorted to this end,
    Lets in and there prepare the mariage rytes,
    Which in S. Maries Chappell presently
    Shalbe performed ere this Presence part. Exeunt.
    Manent Constance & Arthur.
    880Arthur Madam good cheere, these drouping languishmẽts
    D 3 Adde
    The troublesome Raigne
    Adde no redresse to salue our awkward haps.
    If heauens haue concluded these euents,
    To small auaile is bitter pensiuenes:
    Seasons will change, and so our present griefe
    885May change with them, and all to our reliefe.
    Constance Ah boy, thy yeares I see are farre too greene
    To looke into the bottome of these cares.
    But I, who see the poyse that weigheth downe
    Thy weale, my wish, and all the willing meanes
    890Wherewith thy fortune and thy fame should mount.
    What ioy, what ease, what rest can lodge in me,
    With whom all hope and hap doth disagree?
    Arthur Yet Ladies teares, and cares, and solemne shows,
    Rather than helpes, heape vp more worke for woes.
    895Constance If any Power will heare a widdowes plaint,
    That from a wounded soule implores reuenge;
    Send fell contagion to infect this Clyme,
    This cursed Countrey, where the traytors breath,
    Whose periurie as prowd Briareus,
    900Beleaguers all the Skie with misbeliefe.
    He promist Arthur, and he sware it too,
    To fence thy right, and check thy foemans pride:
    But now black-spotted Periure as he is,
    He takes a truce with Elnors damned brat,
    905And marries Lewes to her louely Neece,
    Sharing thy fortune, and thy birth-dayes gift
    Betweene these louers: ill betide the match.
    And as they shoulder thee from out thy owne,
    And triumph in a widowes tearefull cares:
    910So heauens crosse them with a thriftles course.
    Is all the bloud yspilt on either part,
    Closing the cranies of the thirstie earth,
    Growne to a louegame and a Bridall feast?
    And must thy birthright bid the wedding banes?
    915Poore helples boy, hopeles and helples too,
    To whom misfortune seemes no yoke at all.
    of King Iohn.
    Thy stay, thy state, thy imminent mishaps
    Woundeth thy mothers thoughts with feeling care,
    Why lookst thou pale? the colour flyes thy face,
    920I trouble now the fountaine of thy youth,
    And make it moodie with my doles discourse,
    Goe in with me, reply not louely boy,
    We must obscure this mone with melodie,
    Least worser wrack ensue our malecontent. Exeunt.
    925 Enter the King of England, the King of Fraunce, Arthur,
    Bastard, Lewes, Lymoges, Constance, Blanche, Chattilion,
    Pembrooke, Salisburie, and Elianor.
    Iohn This is the day, the long desired day,
    Wherein the Realmes of England and of Fraunce
    930Stand highly blessed in a lasting peace.
    Thrice happie is the Bridegroome and the Bride,
    From whose sweete Bridale such a concord springs,
    To make of mortall foes immortall friends.
    Constance Ungodly peace made by an others warre.
    935Philip Unhappie peace, that ties thee from reuenge.
    Rouse thée Plantaginet, liue not to see
    The butcher of the great Plantiginet.
    Kings, Princes, and ye Peeres of either Realmes,
    Pardon my rashnes, and forgiue the zeale
    940That caries me in furie to a deede
    Of high desert, of honour, and of armes.
    A boone O Kings, a boone doth Philip beg
    Prostrate vpon his knee: which knee shall cleaue
    Unto the superficies of the earth,
    945Till Fraunce and England graunt this glorious boone.
    Iohn Speake Philip, England graunts thee thy request.
    Philip And Fraunce confirmes what ere is in his power.
    Bastard Then Duke sit fast, I leuell at thy head,
    Too base a ransome for my fathers life.
    950Princes, I craue the Combat with the Duke
    The troublesome Raigne
    That braues it in dishonor of my Sire.
    Your words are past nor can you now reuerse
    The Princely promise that reuiues my soule,
    Whereat me thinks I see his sinnews shake:
    955This is the boon (dread Lords) which granted once
    Or life or death are pleasant to my soule;
    Since I shall liue and die in Richards right.
    Lymoges Base Bastard, misbegotten of a King.
    To interrupt these holy nuptiall rytes
    960With brawles and tumults to a Dukes disgrace:
    Let it suffice, I scorne to ioyne in fight,
    With one so farre vnequall to my selfe.
    Bastard A fine excuse, Kings if you wilbe Kings,
    Then keepe your words, and let vs combat it.
    965Iohn Philip, we cannot force the Duke to fight,
    Being a subiect vnto neither Realme:
    But tell me Austria, if an English Duke
    Should dare thee thus, wouldst thou accept the challendge?
    Lymoges Els let the world account the Austrich Duke
    970The greatest coward liuing on the Earth.
    Iohn Then cheere thee Philip, Iohn will keepe his word,
    Kneele downe, in sight of Philip King of Fraunce
    And all these Princely Lords assembled here,
    I gird thee with the sword of Normandie,
    975And of that land I doo inuest thee Duke:
    So shalt thou be in liuing and in land
    Nothing inferiour vnto Austria.
    Lymoges K. Iohn, I tell thee flatly to thy face
    Thou wrongst mine honour: and that thou maist see
    980How much I scorne thy new made Duke and thee,
    I flatly say, I will not be compeld:
    And so farewell Sir Duke of low degree,
    Ile finde a time to match you for this geere. Exit.
    Iohn Stay Philip, let him goe the honors thine.
    985Bastard I cannot liue vnles his life be mine.
    Q. Elianor Thy forwardnes this day hath ioyd my soule.
    of King Iohn.
    And made me thinke my Richard liues in thée.
    K. Philip Lordings lets in, and spend the wedding day
    In maskes and triumphs, letting quarrells cease.
    990Enter a Cardynall from Rome.
    Card. Stay King of France, I charge thee ioyn not hands
    With him that stands accurst of God and men.
    Know Iohn, that I Pandulph Cardinall of Millaine, and
    Legate from the Sea of Rome, demaund of thee in the name
    995of our holy Father the Pope Innocent, why thou dost (contra-
    rie to the lawes of our holy mother the Church, and our holye
    father the Pope) disturbe the quiet of the Church, and disanull
    the election of Stephen Langhton, whom his Holines hath ele-
    cted Archbishop of Canterburie: this in his Holines name I
    1000demaund of thee?
    Iohn And what hast thou or the Pope thy maister to doo to
    demaund of me, how I employ mine owne? Know sir Priest
    as I honour the Church and holy Churchmen, so I scorne to
    be subiect to the greatest Prelate in the world. Tell thy Mai-
    1005ster so from me, and say, Iohn of England said it, that neuer an
    Italian Priest of them all, shall either haue tythe, tole, or po-
    ling penie out of England, but as I am King, so wil I raigne
    next vnder God, supreame head both ouer spirituall and tem-
    rall: and hee that contradicts me in this, Ile make him hoppe
    K. Philip What King Iohn, know you what you say, thus
    to blaspheme against our holy father the Pope.
    Iohn Philip, though thou and all the Princes of Christen-
    dome suffer themselues to be abusde by a Prelates slauerie,
    1015my minde is not of such base temper. If the Pope will bee
    King in England, let him winne it with the sword, I know no
    other title he can alleage to mine inheritance.
    Card. Iohn, this is thine answere?
    Iohn What then?
    1020Card. Then I Pandulph of Padoa, Legate from the Apo-
    E stolike
    The troublesome Raigne
    stolick Sea, doo in the name of S. Peter and his successor our
    holy Father Pope Innocent, pronounce thee accursed dischar-
    ging euery of thy subiectes of all dutie and fealtie that they
    doo owe to thee, and pardon and forgiuenes of sinne to those or
    1025them whatsoeuer, which shall carrie armes against thee, or
    murder thée: this I pronounce, and charge all good men to
    abhorre thee as an excommunicate person.
    Iohn So sir, the more the Fox is curst the better a fares: if
    God blesse me and my Land, let the Pope and his shauelings
    1030curse and spare not.
    Card. Furthermore I charge thée Philip King of France,
    and al the Kings and Princes of Christendome, to make war
    vppon this miscreant: and whereas thou hast made a league
    with him, and confirmed it by oath, I doo in the name of our
    1035foresaid father the Pope, acquit thée of that oath as vnlawful,
    being made with an heretike, how saist thou Philip, doost thou
    Iohn Brother of Fraunce, what say you to the Cardinall?
    Philip I say, I am sorrie for your Maiestie, requesting
    1040you to submit your selfe to the Church of Rome.
    John And what say you to our league, if I doo not submit?
    Philip What should I say? I must obey the Pope.
    Iohn Obey the Pope, and breake your oath to God?
    Philip The Legate hath absolude me of mine oath:
    1045Then yeeld to Rome, or I defie thée héere.
    Iohn Why Philip, I defie the Pope and thée,
    False as thou art, and periurde K. of Fraunce,
    Unworthie man to be accompted King.
    Giu'st thou thy sword into a Prelates hands?
    1050Pandulph, where I of Abbots, Monkes and Friers
    Haue taken somewhat to maintaine my warres,
    Now will I take no more but all they haue.
    Ile rowze the lazie lubbers from their Cells,
    And in despight Ile send them to the Pope.
    1055Mother, come you with me, and for the rest
    That will not follow Iohn in this attempt,
    of King Iohn.
    Confusion light vpon their damned soules.
    Come Lords, fight for your King that fighteth for your good?
    Philip And are they gone? Pandulph thy selfe shalt see
    1060How Fraunce will fight for Rome and Romish rytes.
    Nobles, to armes, let him not passe the seas,
    Lets take him captiue, and in triumph lead
    The K. of England to the gates of Rome.
    Arthur, bestirre thee man, and thou shalt see
    1065What Philip K. of Fraunce will doo for thee.
    Blanche And will your Grace vpon your wedding day
    Forsake your Bride and follow dreadfull drums:
    Nay, good my Lord, stay you at home with mee.
    Lewes Sweete heart content thée, and we shall agree.
    1070Philip Follow me Lords, Lord Cardynall lead the way,
    Drums shalbe musique to this wedding day. Exeunt.
    Excursions. The Bastard pursues Austria, and kills
    Bastard Thus hath K. Richards Sonne performde his
    1075 vowes.
    And offred Austrias bloud for sacrifice
    Unto his fathers euerliuing soule.
    Braue Cordelion, now my heart doth say,
    I haue deserude, though not to be thy heire
    1080Yet as I am, thy base begotten sonne,
    A name as pleasing to thy Philips heart,
    As to be cald the Duke of Normandie.
    Lie there a pray to euery rauening fowle:
    And as my Father triumpht in thy spoyles,
    1085And trode thine Ensignes vnderneath his féete,
    So doo I tread vpon thy cursed selfe,
    And leaue thy bodie to the fowles for food. Exit.
    Excursions. Arthur, Constance, Lewes, hauing taken
    Q. Elianor prisoner.
    E 2 2 Con-
    The troublesome Raigne
    1090Constance Thus hath the God of Kings with conquering
    Dispearst the foes to true succession.
    Proud, and disturber of thy Countreyes peace,
    Constance doth liue to tame thine insolence,
    1095And on thy head will now auenged be
    For all the mischiefes hatched in thy braine.
    Q Elinor Contemptuous dame vnreuent Dutches thou,
    To braue so great a Quéene as Elianor.
    Base scolde hast thou forgot, that I was wife,
    1100And mother to three mightie English Kings?
    I charge thée then, and you forsooth sir Boy,
    To set your Grandmother at libertie,
    And yéeld to Iohn your Unckle and your King.
    Constance Tis not thy words proud Queene shal carry it.
    1105Elianor Nor yet thy threates proud Dame shal daunt my
    Arthur Sweete Grandame, and good Mother leaue these
    Elianor Ile finde a time to triumph in thy fall.
    1110Constance My time is now to triumph in thy fall,
    And thou shalt know that Constance will triumph.
    Arthur Good Mother weigh it is Queene Elianor,
    Though she be captiue, vse her like herselfe.
    Swéete Grandame beare with what my Mother sayes,
    1115Your Highnes shalbe vsed honourably.
    Enter a Messenger.
    Mess. Lewes my Lord, Duke Arthur, and the rest,
    To armes in hast, K. Iohn relyes his men,
    And ginnes the fight afresh: and sweares withall
    1120To lose his life, or set his Mother free.
    Lewes Arthur away, tis time to looke about.
    Elianor Why how now dame, what is your courage coold?
    Constance No Elianor, my courage gathers strength,
    of King Iohn.
    And hopes to lead both John and thee as slaues:
    1125And in that hope, I hale thee to the field. Exeunt.
    Excursions. Elianor is rescued by Iohn, and Arthur
    is taken prisoner. Exeunt. Sound victorie.
    Enter Iohn, Elianor, and Arthur Prisoner, Bastard, Pem-
    brooke, Salisbury, and Hubert de Burgh.
    1130Iohn Thus right triumphs, and John triumphs in right.
    Arthur thou seest, Fraunce cannot bolster thee:
    Thy Mothers pride hath brought thee to this fall.
    But if at last, Nephew thou yeeld thy selfe
    Into the gardance of thine Unckle John,
    1135Thou shalt be vsed as becomes a Prince.
    Arthur Unckle, my Grandame taught her Nephew this,
    To beare captiuitie with patience.
    Might hath preuayld not right, for I am King
    Of England, though thou we are the Diadem.
    1140Q. Elianor Sonne Iohn, soone shall we teach him to forget
    These proud presumptions, and to know himselfe.
    Iohn Mother, he neuer will forget his claime,
    I would he liude not to remember it.
    But leauing this, we will to England now,
    1145And take some order with our Popelings there,
    That swell with pride, and fat of lay mens lands.
    Philip I make thee chiefe in this affaire,
    Ransack the Abbeys, Cloysters, Priories,
    Conuert their coyne vnto my souldiers vse:
    1150And whatsoere he be within my Land,
    That goes to Rome for iustice and for law,
    While he may haue his right within the Realme,
    Let him be iudgde a traitor to the State,
    And suffer as an enemie to England.
    1155Mother, we leaue you here beyond the seas,
    As Regent of our Prouinces in Fraunce,
    E 3 While
    The troublesome Raigne
    While we to England take a speedie course,
    And thanke our God that gaue vs victorie.
    Hubert de Burgh take Arthur here to thee,
    1160Be he thy prisoner: Hubert kéepe him safe,
    For on his life doth hang thy Soueraignes crowne,
    But in his death consists thy Soueraignes blisse:
    Then Hubert, as thou shortly hearst from me,
    So vse the prisoner I haue giuen in charge.
    1165Hubert Frolick yong Prince, though I your keeper bee,
    Yet shall your kéeper liue at your commaund.
    Arthur As please my God, so shall become of me.
    Q. Elianor My Sonne to England, I will see thee shipt,
    And pray to God to send thee safe ashore.
    1170Bastard Now warres are done, I long to be at home
    To diue into the Monkes and Abbots bags,
    To make some sport among the smooth skin Nunnes,
    And keepe some reuell with the fanzen Friers.
    Iohn To England Lords, each looke vnto your charge,
    1175And arme yourselues against the Romane pride. Exeunt.
    Enter the K. of Fraunce, Lewes his sonne, Cardinall Pan-
    dolph Legate, and Constance.
    Philip What euery man attacht with this mishap?
    Why frowne you so, why droop ye Lords of Fraunce?
    1180Me thinkes it differs from a warlike minde
    To lowre it for a checke or two of chaunce.
    Had Lymoges escapt the bastards spight,
    A little sorrow might haue serude our losse.
    Braue Austria, heauen ioyes to haue thee there.
    1185Card. His sowle is safe and free from Purgatorie,
    Our holy Father hath dispenst his sinnes,
    The blessed Saints haue heard our orisons,
    And all are Mediators for his soule,
    And in the right of these most holy warres,
    1190His holines free pardon doth pronounce
    of King Iohn.
    To all that follow you gainst English heretiques,
    Who stand accursed in our mother Church.
    Enter Constance alone.
    Philip To aggrauate the measure of our griefe,
    1195All malcontent comes Constance for her Sonne.
    Be briefe good Madame, for your face imports
    A tragick tale behinde thats yet vntolde.
    Her passions stop the organ of her voyce,
    Deepe sorrow throbbeth misbefalne euents,
    1200Out with it Ladie, that our Act may end
    A full Catastrophe of sad laments.
    Const. My tongue is tunde to storie forth mishap:
    When did I breath to tell a pleasing tale?
    Must Constance speake? let teares preuent her talke:
    1205Must I discourse? let Dido sigh and say,
    She weepes againe to heare the wrack of Troy:
    Two words will serue, and then my tale is done:
    Elnors proud brat hath robd me of my Sonne.
    Lewes Haue patience Madame, this is chaunce of warre:
    1210He may be ransomde, we reuenge his wrong.
    Constance Be it ner so soone, I shall not liue so long.
    Philip Despaire not yet, come Constance, goe with me,
    These clowdes will fleet, the day will cleare againe.Exeunt.
    Card. Now Lewes, thy fortune buds with happie spring,
    1215Our holy Fathers prayers effecteth this.
    Arthur is safe, let John alone with him,
    Thy title next is fairst to Englands Crowne:
    Now stirre thy Father to begin with Iohn,
    The Pope sayes I, and so is Albion thine.
    1220Lewes Thankes my Lord Legate for your good conceipt,
    Tis best we follow now the game is faire,
    My Father wants to worke him your good words.
    Card. A few will serue to forward him in this,
    Those shal not want: but lets about it then. Exeunt.
    The troublesome Raigne
    1225Enter Philip leading a Frier, charging him to show where
    the Abbots golde lay.
    Philip Come on you fat Franciscans, dallie no longer, but
    shew me where the Abbots treasure lyes, or die.
    Frier Benedicamus Domini, was euer such an iniurie.
    1230Sweete S. Withold of thy lenitie, defend vs from extremitie,
    And heare vs for S. Charitie, oppressed with austeritie.
    In nomini Domini, make I my homilie,
    Gentle Gentilitie grieue not the Cleargie.
    Philip Grey gownd good face, coniure ye,
    1235 ner trust me for a groate,
    If this waste girdle hang thee not
    that girdeth in thy coate.
    Now balde and barefoote Bungie birds
    when vp the gallowes climing,
    1240Say Philip he had words inough
    to put you downe with ryming.
    Frier A pardon, O parce, Saint Fraunces for mercie,
    Shall shield thee from nightspells and dreaming of diuells,
    If thou wilt forgiue me, and neuer more grieue me,
    1245With fasting and praying, and Haile Marie saying.
    From black Purgatorie a penance right sorie.
    Frier Thomas will warme you,
    It shall neuer harme you.
    Philip Come leaue off your rabble,
    1250Sirs hang vp this lozell.
    2. Frier For charitie I beg his life,
    Saint Frauncis chiefest Frier,
    The best in all our Couent Sir,
    to keepe a Winters fier.
    1255 O strangle not the good olde man,
    my hostesse oldest guest,
    And I will bring you by and by
    vnto the Priors chest.
    of King Iohn.
    Philip I, saist thou so, & if thou wilt the frier is at libertie,
    1260If not, as I am honest man, Ile hang you both for companie.
    Frier Come hether, this is the chest though simple to behold
    That wanteth not a thousand pound in siluer and in gold.
    My selfe will warrant full so much, I know the Abbots store,
    Ile pawne my life there is no lesse to haue what ere is more.
    1265Philip I take thy word, the ouerplus vnto thy share shall
    But if there want of full so much, thy neck shall pay the sum.
    Breake vp the Cofer, Frier.
    Frier Oh I am vndun, faire Alice the Nun
    1270Hath tooke vp her rest in the Abbots chest,
    Sancte benedicite, pardon my simplicitie.
    Fie Alice, confession will not salue this transgression.
    Philip What haue wee here, a holy Nun? So kéeeepe mee
    God in health,
    1375A smooth facte Nunne (for ought I knowe) is all the Abbots
    Is this the Nonries chastitie? Beshrewe me but I thinke
    They goe as oft to Uenery, as niggards to their drinke.
    Why paltrey Frier and Pandar too, yee shamelesse shauen
    1380 crowne,
    Is this the chest that held a hoord, at least a thousand pound?
    And is the hoord a holy whore? Wel be the hangman nimble,
    Hee'le take the paine to paye you home, and teach you to dis-
    1385Nunne O spare the Frier Anthony, a better neuer was
    To sing a Dirige solemnly, or read a morning Masse.
    If money be the meanes of this, I know an ancient Nunne,
    That hath a hoord this seauen yeares, did neuer sée the sunne;
    And that is yours, and what is ours, so fauour now be shown,
    1390You shall commaund as commonly, as if it were your owne.
    Frier Your honour excepted.
    Nunne I Thomas, I meane so.
    Philip From all saue from Friers.
    Nunne Good Sir, doo not thinke so?
    F Philip
    The troublesome Raigne
    1395Philip I thinke and see so: why how camst thou here?
    Frier To hide her from lay meu.
    Nunne Tis true sir, for feare.
    Philip For feare of the laytie: a pitifull dred
    When a Nunne flies for succour to a fat Friers bed.
    1400But now for your ransome my Cloyster-bred Conney,
    To the chest that you speake of where lyes so much money.
    Nunne Faire Sir, within this presse, of plate & money is
    The valew of a thousand markes, and other thing by gis.
    Let vs alone, and take it all, tis yours Sir, now you know it.
    1405Philip Come on sir Frier, pick the locke, this geere dooth
    cotton hansome,
    That couetousnes so cunningly must pay ye letchers ransom.
    What is in the hoord?
    Frier Frier Laurence my Lord, now holy water help vs,
    1410Some witch, or some diuell is sent to delude vs:
    Haud credo Laurentius, that thou shouldst be pend thus
    In the presse of a Nun we are all vndon,
    And brought to discredence if thou be Frier Laureuce,
    Frier Amor vincit omnia, so Cato affirmeth,
    1415And therefore a Frier whose fancie soone burneth:
    Because he is mortall and made of mould,
    He omits what he ought, and doth more than he should.
    Philip How goes this géere? the Friers chest filde with
    a fausen Nunne,
    1420The Nunne again locks Frier vp, to keep him frõ the Sun.
    Belike the presse is purgatorie, or penance passing grieuous:
    The Friers chest a hel for Nuns. How do these dolts deceiue
    Is this the labour of their liues to féede and liue at ease, (vs?
    To reuell so lasciuiously as often as they please.
    1425Ile mend the fault or fault my ayme, if I do misse amending,
    Tis better burn ye cloisters down than leaue thẽ for offending.
    But holy you, to you I speake, to you religious diuell,
    Is this the presse that holdes the summe to quite you for your
    1430Nunne I crie Peccaui, parce me, good Sir I was beguild.
    of King Iohn.
    Frier Absolue Sir for charitie she would be reconcilde.
    Phi. And so I shall, sirs binde them fast, this is their absolutiõ,
    Go hang them vp for hurting them, hast them to execution.
    Fr. Lawrence O tempus edax rerum,
    1435Geue children bookes they teare them.
    O vanitas vanitatis, in this waning aetatis,
    At threescore welneere to goe to this geere,
    To my conscience a clog to dye like a dog.
    Exaudi me Domine, siuis me parce
    1440Dabo pecuniam, si habeo veniam
    To goe and fetch it, I will dispatch it,
    A hundred pound sterling for my liues sparing.
    Enter Peter a Prophet, with people.
    Peter Hoe, who is here, S. Fraunces be your spéed,
    1445Come in my flock, and follow me, your fortunes I will reed
    Come hether boy, goe get thee home, and clime not ouerhie:
    For from aloft thy fortunes stands in hazard thou shalt die.
    Boy God be with you Peter, I pray you come to our house
    a Sunday.
    1450Peter My boy show me thy hand, blesse thee my boy,
    For in thy palme I sée a many troubles are ybent to dwell,
    But thou shalt scape them all and doo full well.
    Boy I thanke you Peter, theres a cheese for your labor: my
    sister prayes ye to come home, & tell her how many husbands
    1455she shall haue, and shee'l giue you a rib of bacon.
    Peter My masters, stay at the towns end for me, Ile come
    to you all anon: I must dispatch some busines with a Frier,
    and then Ile read your fortunes.
    Philip How now, a Prophet? Sir prophet whence are ye?
    1460Peter I am of the world and in the world, but liue not as
    others by the world: what I am I know, and what thou wilt
    be I know. If thou knowest me now be answered: if not, en-
    quire no more what I am.
    Phil. Sir, I know you will be a dissembling knaue, that
    1465deludes the people with blinde prophecies: you are him I
    looke for, you shall away with me: bring away all the rabble,
    F 2 and
    The troublesome Raigne
    and you Frier Laurence remember your raunsome a hundred
    pound, and a pardon for your selfe, and the rest come on. Sir
    Prophet, you shall with me, to receiue a Prophets rewarde.
    Enter Hubert de Burgh with three men.
    Hubert My masters, I haue shewed you what warrant I
    haue for this attempt; I perceiue by your heauie countenan-
    ces, you had rather be otherwise imployed, and for my owne
    1475part, I would the King had made choyce of some other execu-
    tioner: onely this is my comfort, that a King commaunds,
    whose precepts neglected or omitted, threatneth torture for the
    default. Therefore in briefe, leaue me, and be readie to attend
    the aduenture: stay within that entry, and when you heare me
    1480crie, God saue the King, issue sodainly foorth, lay handes on
    Arthur, set him in this chayre, wherin (once fast bound) leaue
    him with me to finish the rest.
    Attendants We goe, though loath. Exeunt.
    Hubert My Lord, will it please your Honour to take the
    1485benefite of the faire euening?
    Enter Arthur to Hubert de Burgh.
    Arthur Gramercie Hubert for thy care of me,
    In or to whom restraint is newly knowen,
    The ioy of walking is small benefit,
    1490Yet will I take thy offer with small thankes,
    I would not loose the pleasure of the eye.
    But tell me curteous keeper if you can,
    How long the King will haue me tarrie heere.
    Hubert I know not Prince, but as I gesse not long.
    1495God send you freedome, and God saue the King,
    They issue forth.
    Arthur Why how now sirs, what may this outrage
    O helpe
    of King Iohn.
    O helpe me Hubert, gentle keeper helpe:
    1500God send this sodaine mutinous approach
    Tend not to reaue a wretched guiltles life.
    Hubert So sirs, depart, and leaue the rest for me.
    Arthur Then Arthur yéeld, death frowneth in thy face,
    What meaneth this? Good Hubert plead the case.
    1505Hubert Patience yong Lord, and listen words of woe,
    Harmfull and harsh, hells horror to be heard:
    A dismall tale fit for a furies tongue.
    I faint to tell, déepe sorrow is the sound.
    Arthur What, must I die?
    1510Hubert No newes of death, but tidings of more hate,
    A wrathfull doome, and most vnluckie fate:
    Deaths dish were daintie at so fell a feast,
    Be deafe, heare not, its hell to tell the rest.
    Arthur Alas thou wrongst my youth with words of feare,
    1515Tis hell, tis horror, not for one to heare:
    What is it man if it must needes be don,
    Act it, and end it, that the paine were gon.
    Hubert I will not chaunt such dolour with my tongue,
    Yet must I act the outrage with my hand.
    1520My heart my head, and all my powers beside,
    To aide the office haue at once denide.
    Peruse this letter, lines of treble woe,
    Read ore my charge, and pardon when you know.
    these are to commaund thee, as thou tendrest our
    1525quiet in minde and the estate of our person, that pre-
    sently vpon the receipt of our commaund, thou put out
    the eyes of Arthur Plantaginet.
    ArthurAh monstrous damned man, his very breath in-
    fects the elements,
    1530 Contagious venyme dwelleth in his heart,
    Effecting meanes to poyson all the world.
    Unreuerent may I be to blame the heauens
    F 3 Of
    The troublesome Raigne
    Of great iniustice, that the miscreant
    Liues to oppresse the innocents with wrong.
    1535Ah Hubert, makes he thee his instrument
    To sound the tromp that causeth hell triumph?
    Heauen weepes, the Saints doo shed celestiall teares,
    They feare thy fall, and cyte thee with remorse,
    They knock thy conscience, moouing pitie there,
    1540Willing to fence thee from the rage of hell:
    Hell Hubert, trust me all the plagues of hell
    Hangs on performance of this damned deede.
    This seale, the warrant of the bodies blisse,
    Ensureth Satan chieftaine of thy soule:
    1545Subscribe not Hubert, giue not Gods part away.
    I speake not onely for eyes priuiledge,
    The chiefe exterior that I would enioy:
    But for thy perill, farre beyond my paine,
    Thy sweete soules losse, more than my eyes vaine lack;
    1550A cause internall, and eternall too.
    Aduise thee Hubert, for the case is hard,
    To loose saluation for a Kings reward.
    Hubert My Lord, a subiect dwelling in the land
    Is tyed to execute the Kings commaund.
    1555Arthur. Yet God commands, whose power reacheth further,
    That no commaund should stand in force to murther.
    Hubert But that same Essence hath ordaind a law,
    A death for guilt, to keepe the world in awe.
    Arthur I plead not guiltie, treasonles and free.
    1560Hubert But that appeale my Lord concernes not me.
    Arthur Why, thou art he that maist omit the perill.
    Hubert I, if my Soueraigne would remit his quarrell.
    Arthur His quarrell is vnhallowed false and wrong.
    Hubert Then be the blame to whom it doth belong.
    1565Arthur Why thats to thee if thou as they proceede,
    Conclude their iudgement with so vile a déede.
    Hubert Why then no execution can be lawfull,
    If Iudges doomes must be reputed doubtfull.
    of King Iohn.
    Arthur Yes where in forme of Lawe in place and time,
    1570The offender is conuicted of the crime.
    Hubert My Lord, my Lord, this long expostulation,
    Heapes vp more griefe, than promise of redresse;
    For this I know, and so resolude I end,
    That subiects liues on Kings commaunds depend.
    1575I must not reason why he is your foe,
    But doo his charge since he commaunds it so.
    Arthur Then doo thy charge, and charged be thy soule
    With wrongfull persecution done this day.
    You rowling eyes, whose superficies yet
    1580I doo behold with eyes that Nature lent:
    Send foorth the terror of your Moouers frowne,
    To wreake my wrong vpon the murtherers
    That rob me of your faire reflecting view:
    Let hell to them (as earth they wish to mée)
    1585Be darke and direfull guerdon for their guylt,
    And let the black tormenters of deepe Tartary
    Upbraide them with this damned enterprise,
    Inflicting change of tortures on their soules.
    Delay not Hubert, my orisons are ended,
    1590Begin I pray thée, reaue me of my sight:
    But to performe a tragedie indéede,
    Conclude the period with a mortall stab.
    Constance farewell, tormentor come away,
    Make my dispatch the Tirants feasting day.
    1595Hubert I faint, I feare, my conscience bids desist:
    Faint did I say, feare was it that I named?
    My King commaunds, that warrant sets me frée:
    But God forbids, and he commaundeth Kings,
    That great Commaunder counterchecks my charge,
    1600He stayes my hand, he maketh soft my heart,
    Goe cursed tooles, your office is exempt,
    Cheere thée yong Lord, thou shalt not loose an eye,
    Though I should purchase it with losse of life.
    Ile to the King, and say his will is done,
    The troublesome Raigne
    1605And of the langor tell him thou art dead,
    Goe in with me, for Hubert was not borne
    To blinde those lampes that Nature pollisht so,
    Arthur Hubert, if euer Arthur be in state,
    Looke for amends of this receiued gift
    1610I tooke my eysight by thy curtesie,
    Thou lentst them me, I will not be ingrate.
    But now procrastination may offend
    The issue that thy kindnes vndertakes:
    Depart we Hubert to preuent the worst.Exeunt.
    1615 Enter King Iohn, Essex, Salisbury, Penbrooke.
    Iohn Now warlike followers resteth ought vndon
    That may impeach vs of fond ouersight?
    The French haue felt the temper of our swords,
    Cold terror keepes possession in their sowles,
    1620Checking their ouerdaring arrogance
    For buckling with so great an ouermatch.
    The Arche proud titled Priest of Italy,
    That calles himselfe grand Uiccar vnder God
    Is busied now with trentall obsequies,
    1625Masse and months minde, dirge and I know not what
    To ease their sowles in painefull purgatory,
    That haue miscaried in these bloudy warres.
    Heard you not Lords when first his holines
    Had tidings of our small account of him,
    1630How with a taunt vaunting vpon his toes
    He vrdge a reason why the English Asse
    Disdaingd the blessed ordinance of Rome?
    The title (reuerently might I inferre)
    Became the Kings that earst haue borne the load,
    1635The slauish weight of that controlling Priest:
    Who at his pleasure temperd them like waxe
    To carrie armes on danger of his curse,
    Banding their sowles with warrants of his hand.
    I grieue to thinke how Kings in ages past
    of King Iohn.
    1640(Simply deuoted to the Sea of Rome)
    Haue run into a thousand acts of shame.
    But now for confirmation of our State,
    Sith we haue proynd the more than needfull braunch
    That did oppresse the true wel-growing stock,
    1645It resteth we throughout our Territories
    Be reproclaimed and inuested King.
    Pembrook My Liege, that were to busie men with doubts,
    Once were you crownd, proclaimd, and with applause
    Your Citie stréetes haue ecchoed to the eare,
    1650God saue the King, God saue our Soueraigne Iohn.
    Pardon my feare, my censure doth infer
    Your Highnes not deposde from Regall State,
    Would breed a mutinie in peoples mindes,
    What it should meane to haue you crownd againe.
    1655Iohn Pembrooke performe what I haue bid thée doo,
    Thou knowst not what induceth me to this,
    Essex goe in, and Lordings all be gon
    About this taske, I will be crownd anon.
    Enter the Bastard.
    1660Philip, what newes, how doo the Abbots chests?
    Are Friers fatter than the Nunnes are faire?
    What chéere with Churchmen, had they golde or no?
    Tell me how hath thy office tooke effect?
    Philip My Lord, I haue performd your Highnes charge:
    1665The ease bred Abbots and the bare foote Friers,
    The Monkes the Priors and holy cloystred Nunnes,
    Are all in health, and were my Lord in wealth,
    Till I had tythde and tolde their holy hoords.
    I doubt not when your Highnes sées my prize,
    1670You may proportion all their former pride.
    Iohn Why so, now sorts it Philip as it should:
    This small intrusion into Abbey trunkes,
    Will make the Popelings excommunicate,
    G Curse,
    The troublesome Raigne
    Curse, ban, and breath out damned orisons,
    1675As thick as hailestones fore the springs approach:
    But yet as harmles and without effect,
    As is the eccho of a Cannons crack
    Dischargd against the battlements of heauen.
    But what newes els befell there Philip?
    1680Bastard Strange newes my Lord: within your territo-
    Nere Pomfret is a Prophet new sprong vp, (ries,
    Whose diuination volleys wonders foorth;
    To him the Commons throng with Countrey gifts,
    He sets a date vnto the Beldames death,
    1685Prescribes how long the Uirgins state shall last,
    Distinguisheth the moouing of the heauens,
    Giues limits vnto holy nuptiall rytes,
    Foretelleth famine, aboundeth plentie forth,
    Of fate, of fortune, life and death he chats,
    1690With such assurance, scruples put apart,
    As if he knew the certaine doomes of heauen,
    Or kept a Register of all the Destinies.
    Iohn Thou telst me meruailes, would thou hadst brought
    We might haue questiond him of things to come. (the mau,
    1695Bastard My Lord, I tooke a care of had I wist,
    And brought the Prophet with me to the Court,
    He stayes my Lord but at the Presence doore:
    Pleaseth your Highnes, I will call him in.
    Iohn Nay stay awhile, wée'l haue him here anon,
    1700A thing of weight is first to be performd.
    Enter the Nobles and crowne King Iohn, and then crie
    God saue the King.
    Iohn Lordings and friends supporters of our state,
    Admire not at this vnaccustomd course,
    1705Nor in your thoughts blame not this déede of yours.
    Once ere this time was I inuested King,
    Your fealtie sworne as Liegmen to our state:
    of King Iohn.
    Once since that time ambicious wéedes haue sprung
    To staine the beautie of our garden plot:
    1710But heauens in our conduct rooting thence
    The false intruders, breakers of worlds peace,
    Haue to our ioy, made Sunshine chase the storme.
    After the which, to try your constancie,
    That now I see is worthie of your names,
    1715We craude once more your helps for to inuest vs
    Into the right that enuie sought to wrack.
    Once was I not deposde, your former choyce;
    Now twice been crowned and applauded King:
    Your cheered action to install me so,
    1720Infers assured witnes of your loues,
    And binds me ouer in a Kingly care
    To render loue with loue, rewards of worth
    To ballance downe requitall to the full.
    But thankes the while, thankes Lordings to you all:
    1725Aske me and vse me, try me and finde me yours.
    Essex A boon my Lord, at vauntage of your words
    We aske to guerdon all our loyalties.
    Pembrooke We take the time your Highnes bids vs aske:
    Please it you graunt, you make your promise good,
    1730With lesser losse than one superfluous haire
    That not remembred falleth from your head.
    Iohn My word is past, receiue your boone my Lords.
    What may it be? Aske it, and it is yours.
    Essex We craue my Lord, to please the Commons with
    1735The libertie of Ladie Constance Sonne:
    Whose durance darkeneth your Highnes right,
    As if you kept him prisoner, to the end
    Your selfe were doubtfull of the thing you haue.
    Dismisse him thence, your Highnes néedes not feare,
    1740Twice by consent you are proclaimd our King.
    Pembrooke This if you graunt, were all vnto your good:
    For simple people muse you keepe him close.
    Iohn Your words haue searcht the center of my thoughts,
    G 2 Confir-
    The troublesome Raigne
    Confirming warrant of your loyalties,
    1745Dismisse your counsell, sway my state,
    Let John doo nothing but by your consents.
    Why how now Philip, what extasie is this?
    Why casts thou vp thy eyes to heauen so?
    There the fiue Moones appeare.
    1750Bastard See, see my Lord strange apparitions.
    Glauncing mine eye to see the Diadem
    Placte by the Bishops on your Highnes head,
    From foorth a gloomie cloude, which curtaine like
    Displaide it selfe, I sodainly espied
    1755Fiue Moones reflecting, as you sée them now:
    Euen in the moment that the Crowne was placte
    Gan they appeare, holding the course you see.
    Iohn What might portend these apparitions,
    Unvsuall signes, forerunners of euent,
    1760Presages of strange terror to the world:
    Beleeue me Lords the obiect feares me much.
    Philip thou toldst me of me of Wizzard late,
    Fetch in the man to descant of this show.
    Pembrooke The heauens frowne vpon the sinfull earth,
    1765When with prodigious vnaccustomd signes
    They spot their superficies with such wonder.
    Essex Before the ruines of Ierusalem,
    Such Meteors were the Ensignes of his wrath
    That hastned to destroy the faultfull Towne.
    1770 Enter the Bastard with the Prophet.
    Iohn Is this the man?
    Bastard It is my Lord.
    Iohn Prophet of Pomfret, for so I heare thou art,
    That calculatst of many things to come:
    1775Who by a power repleate with heauenly gift
    of King Iohn.
    Canst blab the counsell of thy Makers will.
    If fame be true, or truth be wrongd by thee,
    Decide in cyphering what these fiue Moones
    Portend this Clyme, if they presage at all.
    1780Breath out thy gift, and if I liue to see
    Thy diuination take a true effect,
    Ile honour thee aboue all earthly men.
    Peter The Skie wherein these Moones haue residence,
    Presenteth Rome the great Metropolis,
    1785Where sits the Pope in all his holy pompe.
    Fowre of the Moones present fowre Prouinces,
    To wit, Spaine, Denmarke, Germanie, and Fraunce,
    That beare the yoke of proud commaunding Rome,
    And stand in feare to tempt the Prelates curse.
    1790The smallest Moone that whirles about the rest,
    Impatient of the place he holds with them,
    Doth figure foorth this Iland Albion,
    Who gins to scorne the Sea and State of Rome,
    And seekes to shun the Edicts of the Pope:
    1795This showes the heauen, and this I doo auerre
    Is figured in these apparitions.
    Iohn Why then it seemes the heauens smile on vs,
    Giuing applause for leauing of the Pope.
    But for they chaunce in our Meridian,
    1800Doo they effect no priuate growing ill
    To be inflicted on vs in this Clyme?
    Peter The Moones effect no more than what I said:
    But on some other knowledge that I haue
    By my prescience, ere Ascension day
    1805Haue brought the Sunne vnto his vsuall height,
    Of Crowne, Estate, and Royall dignitie,
    Thou shalt be cleane dispoyld and dispossest.
    Iohn False Dreamer, perish with thy witched newes,
    Uillaine thou woundst me with thy fallacies:
    1810If it be true, dye for thy tidings price;
    If false, for fearing me with vaine suppose:
    G 3 Hence
    The troublesome Raigne
    Hence with the Witch, hells damned secretarie.
    Lock him vp sure: for by my faith I sweare,
    True or not true, the Wizzard shall not liue.
    1815Before Ascension day: who should be cause hereof?
    Cut off the cause and then the effect will dye.
    Tut, tut, my mercie serues to maime my selfe,
    The roote doth liue, from whence these thornes spring vp,
    I and my promise past for his deliury:
    1820Frowne friends, faile faith, the diuell goe withall,
    The brat shall dye, that terrifies me thus.
    Pembrooke and Essex I recall my graunt,
    I will not buy your fauours with my feare:
    Nay murmur not, my will is law enough,
    1825I loue you well, but if I loude you better,
    I would not buy it with my discontent.
    Enter Hubert.
    How now, what newes with thee.
    Hubert According to your Highnes strickt commaund
    1830Yong Arthurs eyes are blinded and extinct.
    John Why so, then he may feele the crowne, but neuer sée it.
    Hubert Nor see nor féele, for of the extreame paine,
    Within one hower gaue he vp the Ghost.
    John What is he dead?
    1835Hubert He is my Lord.
    Iohn Then with him dye my cares.
    Essex Now ioy betide thy soule.
    Pembrooke And heauens reuenge thy death.
    Essex What haue you done my Lord? Was euer heard
    1840A deede of more inhumane consequence?
    Your foes will curse, your friends will crie reuenge.
    Unkindly rage more rough than Northern winde,
    To chip the beautie of so sweete a flower.
    What hope in vs for mercie on a fault,
    1845When kinsman dyes without impeach of cause,
    As you haue done, so come to chéere you with,
    The guilt shall neuer be cast me in my teeth. Exeunt.
    of King Iohn.
    Iohn And are you gone? The diuell be your guide:
    Proud Rebels as you are to braue me so:
    1850Saucie, vnciuill, checkers of my will.
    Your tongues giue edge vnto the fatall knife:
    That shall haue passage through your traitrous throats.
    But husht, breath not buggs words to soone abroad,
    Least time preuent the issue of thy reach.
    1855Arthur is dead, I there the corzie growes:
    But while he liude, the danger was the more;
    His death hath freed me from a thousand feares,
    But it hath purchast me ten times ten thousand foes.
    Why all is one, such luck shall haunt his game,
    1860To whome the diuell owes an open shame:
    His life a foe that leueld at my crowne,
    His death a frame to pull my building downe.
    My thoughts harpt still on quiet by his end,
    Who liuing aymed shrowdly at my roome:
    1865But to preuent that plea twice was I crownd,
    Twice did my subiects sweare me fealtie,
    And in my conscience loude me as their liege,
    In whose defence they would haue pawnd their liues.
    But now they shun me as a Serpents sting,
    1870A tragick Tyrant sterne and pitiles,
    And not a title followes after Iohn.
    But Butcher, bloudsucker and murtherer,
    What Planet gouernde my natiuitie,
    To bode me soueraigne types of high estate,
    1875So interlacte with hellish discontent,
    Wherein fell furie hath no interest.
    Curst be the Crowne chiefe author of my care,
    Nay curst my will that made the Crowne my care:
    Curst be my birthday, curst ten times the wombe
    1880That yeelded me aliue into the world.
    Art thou there villaine, Furies haunt thee still,
    For killing him whom all the world laments.
    The troublesome Raigne
    Hubert Why heres my Lord your Highnes hand & seale,
    Charging on liues regard to doo the deede.
    1885John Ah dull conceipted peazant knowst thou not,
    It was a damned execrable deede:
    Showst me a seale? Oh villaine, both our soules
    Haue solde their freedome to the thrall of hell,
    Under the warrant of that cursed seale.
    1890Hence villaine, hang thy selfe, and say in hell
    That I am comming for a kingdome there.
    Hubert My Lord attend the happie tale I tell,
    For heauens health send Sathan packing hence
    That instigates your Highnes to despaire.
    1895If Arthurs death be dismall to be heard,
    Bandie the newes for rumors of vntruth:
    He liues my Lord, the sweetest youth aliue,
    In health, with eysight, not a haire amisse.
    This hart tooke vigor from this forward hand,
    1900Making it weake to execute your charge.
    Iohn What liues he? Then sweete hope come hom agen,
    Chase hence despaire, the purueyer for hell.
    Hye Hubert, tell these tidings to my Lords
    That throb in passions for yong Arthurs death:
    1905Hence Hubert, stay not till thou hast reueald
    The wished newes of Arthurs happy health.
    I goe my selfe, the ioyfulst man aliue
    To storie out this new supposed crime. Exeunt.
    The ende of the first part.
    Second part of the
    troublesome Raigne of King
    Iohn, conteining the death
    1910.5of Arthur Plantaginet,
    the landing of Lewes, and
    the poysning of King
    Iohn at Swinstead
    1910.10As it was (sundry times) publikely acted by the
    Queenes Maiesties Players, in the ho-
    nourable Citie of
    Imprinted at London for Sampson Clarke,
    1910.15and are to be solde at his shop, on the backe-
    side of the Royall Exchange.
    To the Gentlemen Readers.
    THe changeles purpose of determinde Fate.
    1910.20Giues period to our care, or harts content,
    When heauens fixt time for this or that hath end:
    Nor can earths pomp or pollicie preuent
    The doome ordained in their secret will.
    Gentles we left King Iohn repleate with blisse
    1910.25That Arthur liude, whom he supposed slaine;
    And Hubert posting to returne those Lords,
    Who deemd him dead, and parted discontent:
    Arthur himselfe begins our latter Act,
    Our Act of outrage, desprate furie, death;
    1910.30Wherein fond rashnes murdreth first a Prince,
    And Monkish falsnes poysneth last a King.
    First Scene shews Arthurs death in infancie,
    And last concludes Iohns fatall tragedie.
    A 2